Composite Door Frames
True Bespoke offers Composite Door Frames that are build to create a Reliable and Long Lasting entryway for your home! This type of frame is a great alternative to a popular wooden door frame due to it's Durability.
Doors that built to last
Composite Door Frames combine the strength and convenience of a wooden door frame, but with enhanced properties such as twice the power of wooden doors frames for screw-holding.
Composite Frames are constructed with full-length PVC composite material. These frames will never absorb Moisture, Rot, Splinter, or Rust like Wood and Metal door frames.
Low maintenance·
Resistance to wear, splitting and impact
Excellent nail and screw holding strength
Great paint, stain and glue adhesion
Resistant to mould or mildew
Moisture and termite-proof material

Have any questions?
Our team of specialists will be happy to assist you in any way, just give us a ring